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All Your Favourite Bitches and Witches

Anastasia Akhvlediani, Tamar Bochorishvili, Ana Chaduneli, Salome Dumbadze, Ani Gurashvili, Ana Gzirishvili, Ana Jibladze, Qeu Meparishvili, Tamar Nadiradze


The exhibitions presents the new generation of Georgian female artists who have distinct working methods and signature styles. Works concerned deal with topics such as identity, gender roles and stereotypes, personal stories and collective memory, mysticism and cliché. Shocking but enticing, playful but gruesome, visually pleasing but bizarre- these mutually exclusive sensations are the main narrative that follows the exhibition and brings together such diverse works. Coincidently, the influence of Surrealism is felt through all the presented artworks.

The surrealist movement and its influence is another unifying element at the exhibition. Historically, the movement came to represent the desire to liberate from rationalism, exploring the unconsciousness and the practice of automatism; and in this way became the symbol of creative potential and artistic freedom. However, the movement is also famous for its misogyny and for mistreating women as passive objects, muses and symbols of sorts; their bodies dissected and mutilated, posing as different signifiers. 

The exhibition is a response to the general world trend, where women excelled and are gradually reclaiming themselves. The exposition reflects on the local arts scene too, that is being dominated by exceptionally interesting female creatives.

The exhibition title is a playful reflection on the two dominating labels that independent, strong women are often labelled with in order to humiliate and oppress them. They, who wish to express their opinions are called witches and burnt, or called bitches and are abused. The specific combination of the title highlights this fixation that is seemingly infiltrated with hatred, but in reality, often, it is caused by strong attraction and obsessive attachment.

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